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    ISPN词汇 小儿肌肉骨骼系统疾病
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    ISPN 复习要点提示 12 围手术期护理
    日期:2020-03-17 19:59:51    
    Tips On How To Review For ISPN Examinations
    Perioperative Nursing Care
    Perioperative period 围手术期is the phase the client who is having surgery progresses through. Perioperative nursing care is the care nurses deliver during this period. It involves three phases: preoperative phase, intraoperative, and postoperative phase.
    The preoperative phase 术前期begins when the patient and surgeon mutually decide that surgery is necessary, and will take place. It ends when the patient is transferred to the operating room (OR) or procedural bed.
    The intraoperative phase 手术期begins when the client is transferred to the OR bed and ends when the client is transferred to the postoperative recovery area.
    The postoperative phase 术后期lasts from admission to the recovery area to complete recovery from surgery and the last follow-up physician visit. The postoperative phase can be further divided into phase I (providing patient care from a totally anesthetized state to one requiring less acute nursing interventions), phase II (preparing the patient for self or family care or for care in a phase III extended care environment), and phase III (providing ongoing care for patients requiring extended observation or intervention after transfer or discharge from phase I or II).
    Surgical procedures 手术分类usually are classified according to urgency, risk and purpose. For example, surgical procedures, based on purpose, can be classified as diagnostic, ablative, palliative, reconstructive, transplantation, and constructive.
    Perioperative nursing care 围手术期护理is based on the nursing process that is used to make assessments and provide interventions to promote the recovery of health, prevent further injury or illness, and facilitate coping with alterations in physical structure and function. However, the types of surgery scheduled influences the desired outcomes, nursing diagnoses, assessments, and interventions carried out by the nurse. Therefore, emphasis on the relationship between the type of surgery and nursing activities will make it easier for you to review and remember the contents of the topic. It will be discussed in three parts: (1) preoperative preparations 术前, (2) postoperative care术后护理, and (3) management of postoperative complications术后并发症的处理.

    上一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 11 健康和体格评估
    下一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 13 病人体位