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    ISPN 复习要点提示 45 生殖系统
    日期:2020-03-30 20:06:35    
    Tips On How To Review For ISPN Examinations
    Reproductive System
    Reproductive system – 生殖系统 The reproductive system consists of organs that function in the production of offspring. The female reproductive system produces the female reproductive cells (the eggs, or ova) and contains an organ (uterus) in which development of the fetus takes place; the male reproductive system produces the male reproductive cells (the sperm) and contains an organ (penis) that deposits the sperm within the female.
    Reproductive cycle – 生殖周期 Productive cycle, also referred to as the menstrual cycle, consists of two cycles (the ovarian cycle and the endometrial cycle) which is divided by ovulation. It describes the regular and recurrent changes in the anterior pituitary secretions, ovaries, and uterine endometrium that are designed to prepare the body for pregnancy. Menstruation provides a marker for each cycle’s beginning and end if pregnancy does not occur. The duration of the cycle is about 28 days, although it may range from 20 to 45 days.
    Ovaries -- 卵巢 The ovaries are approximately 4 cm long by 2 cm in diameter and approximately 1.5 cm thick, the size and shape of almonds. The two ovaries have two functions: to produce sex hormones and to produce, mature, and discharge an ovum during each reproductive cycle.
    Ovarian cycle – 卵巢周期 Being one of the two female reproductive cycles. the ovarian cycle is the series of events associated with a developing oocyte (ovum or egg) within the ovaries. It begins when the follicular cells (ovum and surrounding cells) swell and the maturation process starts and consists of three phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.
    Endometrial cycle – 子宫内膜周期 Being one of the two female reproductive cycles, the endometrial cycle occurs in response to cyclic hormonal changes. The four phases of the endometrial cycle are the proliferative phase, secretory phase, ischemic phase, and menstrual phase.
    Menstruation – 月经Menstruation is the normal, predictable physiologic process whereby the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) is expelled by the body. Typically, this occurs monthly. Menstruation has many effects on girls and women, including emotional and self-image issues. In the United States, the average age at menarche (the start of menstruation in females) is 12.8 years, with a range between 8 and 18. Normal, regular menstrual cycles vary in frequency from 21 to 36 days (with the average cycle lasting 28 days), bleeding lasts 3 to 7 days, and blood loss averages 20 to 80 mL.
    This chapter is about the reproductive system, with the focus on the anatomical structure and characteristics. Main points include male and female reproductive structure, reproductive cycle such as the ovarian cycle and the endometrial cycle.
    As usual, these points will be discussed in three parts:
    (1) the male reproductive system 男性生殖系统;
    (2) the female reproductive system女性生殖系统; and
    (3) reproductive cycle生殖周期
    Part 1
    The male Reproductive System


    Functions are well related to the structures. So when we are reviewing the structure of a body system, it is quite natural for us to remember their functions simultaneously. Male reproductive structures can be subgrouped into two: external and internal male reproductive organs.
    A. External male reproductive organs 男性外生殖器官
    The male has two external organs of reproduction: the penis and the scrotum.
    1. Penis 阴茎
    Structure -- The penis is the organ for copulation and serves as the outlet for both sperm and urine. It includes the body or shaft 阴茎体, glans penis阴茎头, and urethra尿道; the penis is composed mostly of erectile tissue勃起组织, which is spongy tissue 海绵组织with many small spaces inside. There are three areas of erectile tissue: the corpus spongiosum尿道海绵体, which surrounds the urethra; and two columns of the corpus cavernosum海绵体, one on each side of the penis. The glans is the distal end of the penis. The urinary meatus尿道外口 is centered in the end of the glans.
    Functions – The penis has two functions. As part of the urinary tract泌尿道, it carries urine from the bladder to the exterior during urination (pathway for urination). As a reproductive organ, the penis carries semen (精液) into the female vagina during coitus性交 (the organ for intercourse).
    2. Scrotum 阴囊
    Structures – The scrotum is the thin-skinned sac that surrounds and protects the testes, a rugated muscular pouch suspended behind the penis, including the testes睾丸, epididymis附睾, and vas deferens输精管.
    Functions – the scrotum’’s main functions are to protect and support the testes. The scrotum also acts as a climate-control system for the testes, because they need to be slightly cooler than body temperature to allow normal sperm development.
    B. Internal male reproductive organs. 男性内生殖器官
    The internal reproductive organs include the testes, the accessary ducts附管 and glands附腺.
    1. Testes 睾丸
    Structure -- The testes are two ovoid glands (卵圆形腺体), 2 to 3 cm wide, that lie in the scrotum. Each testis is encased by a protective white fibrous capsule and is composed of several lobules, with each lobule containing interstitial cells (间质细胞) (Leydig’s cells [莱氏细胞]) and a seminiferous tubule(生精小管). Seminiferous tubules produce spermatozoa (精子). Leydig’s cells are responsible for the production of testosterone (睾酮,雄激素).
    Functions – The testes have two functions: producing sperm and synthesizing testosterone (the primary male sex hormone).
    2. Accessory ducts and glands 附管与附腺
    The accessary ducts and glands are the epididymis (附睾), the vas deferens (输精管), the seminal vesicles (精囊), the ejaculatory ducts (射精管), the prostate gland (前列腺), the urethra (尿道), and the bulbourethral glands (尿道球腺).
    The epididymis tubules empty into the vas deferens, where larger numbers of sperm develop the ability to be motile.
    Three glands – the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands – secrete seminal fluids that carry sperm into the vagina during intercourse. The seminal fluid (1) nourishes the sperm, (2) protects the sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina, (3) enhances the motility of the sperm, and (4) washes the sperm out of the urethra so that the maximum number are deposited in the vagina (营养精子,保护精子,增强精子运动性,使精子进入阴道).

    上一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 44 肾和泌尿系统疾病
    下一篇:ISPN 复习要点提示 46 神经系统疾病